St Catherine’s College was delighted to host the 25 year anniversary celebrations for the Joint Award Initiative on Wednesday 2nd October.
Established in 1999, the Joint Award Initiative enables young people in Northern Ireland aged 14 to 24 to choose how they want their achievements to be recognised – with a Duke of Edinburgh Award, a Gaisce Award, or an International Award certificate.
To celebrate this milestone, Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh, together with Eoin Barber, (Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth), Minister of Education, Mr Paul Givan, Kate Thompson (JAI), Ruth Marvel (DofE), the Chair and CEO of Gaisce, Áine Kerr and Avril Ryan, as well as other DofE and JAI representatives, Dáire Hughes, MP for Newry and Down, Sarah Duffy, Lord Mayor and other invited guests, visited St Catherine’s College to meet young people working towards their awards through the Joint Award Initiative. They met staff and students involved with the award across a range of skills and activities.
Principal, Mrs Noeleen Tiffney, said:
“Young people across Ireland have common goals and experiences and the Joint Award Initiative encourages mutual respect and shared values, regardless of whether it is certified as Duke of Edinburgh or GAISCE. I can’t speak highly enough of the JAI as a programme to complement, enrich and extend school based learning. Twenty-five years ago, such an event would have been impossible.
Saint Catherine’s was delighted to welcome Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh, representatives from the Irish Government, DofE, GAISCE, JAI and guests from across the political spectrum to celebrate the anniversary. It was a privilege for our pupils to share in such societal progress.
Lord Mayor, Councillor Sarah Duffy greets Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh at St Catherine’s College. Also in the arrival party are: Eoin Barber, (Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth), Minister of Education, Paul Givan, MP Dáire Hughes, Michael Curran, Sheriff of Armagh, Roger Wilson, Chief Executive Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council and Eve Bremner (CCMS).

School Principal, Mrs Tiffney was delighted to welcome Prince Edward Duke of Edinburgh, Eoin Barber, (Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth), Minister of Education, Mr Paul Givan, Kate Thompson (JAI), Ruth Marvel, (DofE), Avril Ryan (GAISCE). Also pictured is Mr Damian Mullan, Joint Award Leader in St Catherine’s College.

Principal, Mrs Noeleen Tiffney and Head Girls, Róise McCormick and Leah Faherty are pictured with Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh on the steps of St Catherine’s College.

The Duke was presented with a hurl and sliotar as a memento of his visit.

Technology and Design teacher and award leader, Mr Colm Byrne and St Catherine’s students showcased the design and technology related activities some of the students used for their award.

The Duke enjoyed watching students make traditional soda bread in the Home Economics department.

Eoin Barber, (Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth), Áine Kerr, (GAISCE) and Avril Ryan, (GAISCE) are pictured with Deputy Head Girl and Gold GAISCE participant, Alana Donnelly

The Duke was entertained on his visit by the school’s accomplished traditional music group. Many of the musicians used music as their skill for the completion of their award.

Ulster GAA Provincial Secretary, Brian McAvoy and Vice Chairperson, Michael Geoghegan and Armagh Senior County footballer, Paddy Burns presented the Duke with an Ulster GAA jersey.

Some of the award participant pupils from St Catherine’s College demonstrated their skills in wheelchair football to the Minister of Education, Paul Givan.

The Duke paused to chat with harpist, Year 10 Pupil, Eva Cavanagh.
Pictured are some of the Gold and Silver award participants from St Catherine’s College speaking with the Duke. Pictured (centre of photo) is Year 14 pupil and Gold Award participant, Brídín de Bleine, who spoke to the Duke about her experience in completing the award through the medium of Irish.

Year 12 student, Blaithin Mohan is pictured wearing her Irish Dance costume, the skill which she used for her award programme participation. Also pictured is Niamh Cullen, Silver Award participant, along with Eoin Barber and Avril Ryan (GAISCE).
