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Green Flag Award

St Catherine’s College Green Flag Award


The Awarding Body Eco-Schools together with Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful have awarded St. Catherine’s College the highest certification possible, the illustrious Green Flag Award.  The school and its Eco Team had to prove and evidence its commitment to sustainability. This year the team set about designing a 1.3km nature trail around the school using the same route as the old farm trail used by Mother Sarah Langan.


Pictured here are some of the young environmentalists who were involved in the Eco-Unesco project.

One keen Eco Club member affirms: “Our Langan trail shows us that all the things in the world that are living and we need to make sure they stay there in the right place so it keeps the Earth alive.”


Environmental Campaign manager from Eco-School praised the work of the school: “The Eco Club at St Catherine’s has accomplished impressive goals and taken on big, ambitious projects like the Callan River Cooling project and the school’s Langan Nature Trail. The students have taken a variety of steps to improve biodiversity at the school, and we hope they use that momentum to continue to improve their outdoor spaces!”


Min Seow
Min Seow

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